Jah Blessed
From Law to Yoga: how I found my passion
Welcome to my website; a platform for my yoga offering and writing. My two passions in life. Easy to say now; the things that I want to spend my life doing. But it took a long time and a lot of soul searching to get to this point.
I didn’t really appreciate passions and interests. I rudimentarily thought only some people were born with in-built passions; like a passion for music, reading, fishing or financial markets. I have since learnt that everyone has interests and passions; and that they grow and change throughout our life. They are the essence of us, so it is important to get to know what they are.
Interests are the things we read up on. The section of the newspaper we go straight to. The things we screenshot, save on Instagram and the things we pin to our Pinterest boards. They are the things that we always veer the conversation to after the third drink. Passions are (as defined) an extreme interest in or wish for doing something. So passion is just your interests taken up a good few notches.
I thought I knew myself until I went travelling alone in Asia at age 31. On my travels I began the habit of daily writing in a journal and slowly began to discover things I was interested in, like learning about Buddhism, Ayurveda, yoga and meditation (and reggae music). Different parts of me and interests started to reveal themselves, like when you start to really get to know another person. I spent a lot of my early 30s travelling alone; taking the time to properly get to know myself and listening enough to find out what I love to do.
When we find out what interests us, I now believe that we should try follow our interests wholeheartedly, in whatever way we can. There’s a wonderful quote from a Roald Dahl book,“If you are interested in something, no matter what it is. Go at it full speed. Embrace it with both arms, hug it, love it and above all become passionate about it. Lukewarm is no good”.
In my experience so far, the Universe likes when you follow your passions and interests. It creates opportunities for you and brings people into your life that align with your passions. Every day I meet someone who wants to help me along, create an opportunity or meet for coffee to chat about an idea. People are wonderful and I believe the world is full of opportunity when you know what you want.
I am at the start of this part of the journey; no longer “jah bless” but feeling “jah blessed” to be doing something that I love. I believe in yoga and what it can teach us about ourselves and about life. As I learn and experience more, I’ll share any insights that I think might be useful and helpful to anyone on a bit of a self-discovery journey. Which is all of us really.
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